Banned from Chowhound?

You know, kevin, I’m not really offended by your apparent need to use an expletive in every post (though it IS jarring enough to make me respond), but I do have to wonder if you speak that way all the time. I recently overheard a conversation between a wine shop owner, a wine rep, and the head sommelier at a very upscale hotel in which the somm used that word (one way or another) every few minutes. I had to wonder how he monitored himself or if he used it when presenting a $1000 bottle of DRC at a table. Are you just feeling your after-CH freedom here or is that really you?


Definitely - the multiple tags are not going well.

Melanie Wong is “fielding questions from reporters” re: Site redesign & moderators and would like people to reach out to her if they’d like to offer comment -

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We are making news.

That story’s over a week old and so far as I can find with Google it’s still the only one on the subject.

Bobby, did you mention that the LA Times might be doing a piece on it too ?

I got email from an editor at the LA Times. No story so far that I’ve seen.

Robert, do you prefer being called Bobby?

I know THIS Robert (whom I believe kevin was addressing) prefers Bob or Bobby or Ciao Bob or CiaoBob or Shithead.
Cannot speak for THAT Robert.

I had posted a query on the Food Media board asking whether the header, which reads, “Weigh in on TV shows, blogs, podcasts, magazines and newspapers, recipe sites, and any other food-related media that’s out there” was still accurate. There were a couple of replies, one of which asked why I was asking the question. I answered that other food-related websites such as certainly meet the definition of “food-related media.” The entire thread was deleted within minutes of my reply.

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Right, they’re removing posts and banning people for mentioning competing sites, but they didn’t update the guidelines.

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Whaddya know… I received an email from TPTB at CH reinstating me. This might be totally unrelated, but someone showed me how to tweet (I am NOT big on social media – I have 3 friends on Facebook, and that’s two more than I wanted), I sent one tweet, and minutes after tweeting I got that email.


[quote=“BubblyOne, post:64, topic:114”]
Told off this obnoxious guy I have disliked for years who accepts comped meals
[/quote]was this in LA?

No, and that’s no joke:)

i questioned that exact post and was told the op is from boston and chose that tag, even though it is clearly a home-cooking question and has nothing to do with boston.

people randomly tagging shit will make for a mess but will also populate more boards, i.e. make more more clicks = more $$$$. it’ so transparent it’s almost funny, but the visual is so cheap and shoddy looking.

restaurant people often have filthy mouths but moderating while with guests is zero problem.

i served ted and joe kennedy many times, both of whom are such amazing public speakers, and you would have fainted at their filthy language during a private meal. pigs.

I have no problem with it except when the people doing it don’t seem to give a f#*k who has to listen to them.

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I’ve made several requests/suggestions that a location tag should be required or somehow visually promoted on ‘communities’ where they are appropriate if not essential. I can only conclude that the geographic focus of the old CH is not desirable for exactly the reason you suggest. I now find myself here and HO as much time as there. As these new sites generate more content I’m sure they will do me just fine.

The day the Chowhound makeover went live I immediately concluded that dropping the regional boards was deliberate (and immediately set up this site) and so far everything I’ve seen strongly supports that conclusion.

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[/quote]The day the Chowhound makeover went live I immediately concluded that dropping the regional boards was deliberate (and immediately set up this site) and so far everything I’ve seen strongly supports that conclusion.

I agree, but the OCD part of me just wants to know why? I think it’s to encourage more wandering = more ads = more revenue. If they make things really logical then people will just go where they want to go and then leave. That probability is echoed in lots of the feedback posts and I know that’s what I always did and would do. I’ve been rather surprised they’ve given up as much as they have to user requests. I guess the regional concept is too insular for the site goals and can’t be accommodated.