Connie and Ted's ---- for the fans out there, why's it so great?

Can’t wait! :heart_eyes:

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lobster pot pie - maine lobster, pearl onions, mushrooms, butternut squash, and lobster gravy

this was rich and delicious. loved the crispy pieces of pie dough wrapped around the edges @TheCookie. thanks for the reminder @NewTrial


Sold-out. We had an emergency vet visit. Our little princess is now resting comfortably but her personal assistant aka me missed out on ordering a lobster pot pie. Hopefully, they’ll have it next Saturday. These places love to change their menus. :smirk_cat:


you’re in luck

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Enough for two decently hungry adults, or should I plan to supplement?

you’ll need supplements if you’re planning on getting one pie.

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Courtesy of TheCookie - Mixed Greens, Persian Cucumbers, Campari Tomatoes, Sunflower Sprouts, Red Onions, Homemade Blue Cheese Dressing

Usually we’d order coleslaw but had salad from the previous night’s dinner. :slightly_smiling_face:

Fried Big-ish Belly Clams w/Tarter Sauce (house mayo, chopped pickles & capers, lemon zest & juice, pickle juice, caper juice, red onion, chives, tarragon (didn’t taste the tarragon, yay!)) & Fries

One of the things I miss most about New England is clam bars. C&T is such a treat to have in L.A. :hearts:

I will say their fried clams are a little refined for big bellies, lol. Not sure if it’s the type of clam or they buy them smaller. Maybe on purpose. Possibly Angelenos aren’t ready for a big livery clam belly. :thinking: Anyway, we really enjoy them and the tarter sauce is bomb! Note: Won’t choose the “well-done” option next time, as everything travels really well and well-done takes away from flavor & texture a tad on both clams & fries. But I quibble. We’re looking forward to more! :hearts:

Lobster Pot Pie

Just look at it. :stuck_out_tongue: Flaky, buttery, pliable crust, big pieces of lobster & lotsa’ lobster gravy. I wasn’t sure I’d like the shrooms (not a big shroom w/seafood fan) and thought the butternut squash would make it too starchy. Nope, it was just enough of everything to compliment and add a little complexity. So good @PorkyBelly! :hearts::blush::hearts:

From the pantry…

6 Split Top Buns

They look basic, but like everything these folks do these housemade buns tasted anything but basic. :blush:

Scallop Rolls

Bay Scallops from Dry Dock Seafood, butter griddled the buns and made Scallop Rolls… not on the same night. :wink:

Gone Fishin’ Wine 4-Packs…

Like David & Martha at Providence Hoang Nguyen’s thoughtful selections are an excellent value (for retail) and a delicious way to learn and explore wines… but not on the same night. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

”Lure” Package $70.00

I don’t like chardonnay so they let me switch out the De Wetshof “Bon Vallon” Chardonnay for this Buchegger “Pfarrweingarten” Grüner Veltliner. So happy because it was my favorite of the four! :hearts:

We didn’t get the decadently delicious Blondie because we still had leftover holiday candy plus Girl Scout Cookies!

Happy Seafood Eating!


Rare to impossible to find in SoCal. Much thanks for the tip!

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Wow, nice spread! At first glance the lobster pot pie looked like a fancy pop tart. Connie and Ted’s always delivering the goods!

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Yah, still really good though. The closest I’ve had in L.A.:slightly_smiling_face:

Lobster Pop Tart. Yum!

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hi @TheCookie,

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#UnderseasoningFTW :wink:

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hi @TheCookie
now for the bouillabaisse :heart::blush::heart:

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