Dinnertime, what are you eating?

I can’t find a thread for dinner, so let’s see if this one sticks. Share your dinner! You know you want to. :wink:

I am eating steamed eggplant (again), which I only recently discovered. I make little sauces using the loot from my Asian stores shopping spree.

This is my improvised steamer.

After pool time all day yesterday, had chicken breast marinating for days in Italian dressing, grilled corn, beets grilled Rib Eye for DH, baked potato with all the fixins…

Just had a big ol’ bite of cold chicken with a schmear of mayo…love me cold, grilled :chicken:


Great day!
I love cold chicken & Mayo.

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Good job. I have a makeshift steamer too. Will take a picture next time.

I think I have your pot… Circulon?

[quote=“Bookwich, post:1, topic:4322”]
let’s see if this one sticks.
[/quote]Once the weather cools down I’ll be cooking more.

I’m also looking forward to participating in your “the good, the bad and the ugly grocery store finds”.

Happy cooking!

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I’m not sure, I don’t even know where it came from, but it’s very versatile. I really like it.

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Just got my gas grill back up and running and loving it. Grilled ribeyes, shrimp and bacon-wrapped asparagus last night and enjoyed a nice family dinner on the patio. There also may have been wine involved.



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Duck breast with wild mushrooms and quince and some brown sprouted things. I warmed up half it it and the fat on the duck is so perfect, even after being reheated.

I know it looks like a box of brown food, but I took a picture anyway because it is so effing good!

(My friend brought it for me from Wolfgang Puck at the Bel Air Hotel.)

For Me

My makeshift steamer

I also pan fried them. Should have used the cast iron, but didn’t want to dirty another pan, used the steaming pot… they stuck

Mixed these for my sauce

For him - Phillip’s BBQ (Crenshaw)


Excellent! It was a happy day when I discovered frozen dumplings. I like your sauce combo and your dumplings are so crispy!

I learned from Cooking with Dog to put the dumplings in a non-stick skillet with a 1-2 tablespoons of oil and 2-3 tablespoons of water, cover and steam, then take off the lid and increase the heat to evaporate any remaining water. Then let the dumplings fry in the oil that’s left in the pan.
(I’ve only done this if the filling is precooked. )

Crostini with tomato confit and spigarello sautéed with diced red peppers and confit garlic. Farmers Market bounty on a plate. :slight_smile:

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Thanks. They had samples at TJ’s and were surprisingly tasty.

I add a little water and sometimes rice wine vinegar to the sauce.

Thanks for the info on the cooking method! I saw the tail end of Cecilia Chiang doing the combo steam-fry method for potstickers. You filled in the gaps.

Very nice. Is spigarello like spinach?

It is similar to spinach, but thicker and shinier and takes a little longer to cook. It has a mild flavor, but is incredibly green. I pounced when I saw it today, it’s pretty hard to find.

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System is acting hooey :unamused:.

Friday Night - Acapulco Gold Pizza

Garlic, olive oil, ricotta, mozzarella, pecorino romano, oregano, organic yellow grape tomatoes (very sweet), arugula, drizzle of “truffle” oil. I always get a side of red sauce to drizzle on my white pizza. It’s a pretty good red sauce.

Apollonia Pizzeria
Wilshire / La Brea

Saturday Night - Dinner at the neighbor’s

We had an appetizer of wasabi salmon (salmon roasted w/wasabi mayo & furikake) served with buttery crackers, dinner was green beans w/almond, sliced brisket w/a braising liquid which was very New Englandy (lots of Worcestershire), warm French bread w/soft butter and a dessert of organic peaches in moscato, wines were Piper Heidsick Rose Sauvage, Santa Margherita Pinot Grigio, La Crema Pinot and a delicious dessert wine (can’t remember name) the hostess had been saving 3 years.

We didn’t eat the cat.

Lovely weekend.


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A great rainy day for starting a fire in the stove and cooking two duck breasts on a string next to the fire . I am also braising Rotkohl in the Dutch oven . Will serve along with mashed potatoes and glazed baby carrots .


You really are fun :heart_eyes:.