Filet o Hashbrown

You’re Welcome.

Naturally, after half a week of eyefucking that coupon I was excited to open my McD app thinking “today is the day - $2 egg McMuffin will be mine”.

It’s gone. It’s fucking gone.

Ugh. Yes it is :man_facepalming:

I’m an official convert…


Amazing how many locations are having $2 Fillet O Fish sands every day, not just Fridays.

I don’t understand McD pricing. I can get a single FoF for $2, no coupon. 2 FoF’s for $2.25 with a coupon. A 6 pc nuggets is also $2, but a 4pc nuggets is $2.39.

I can get any 2 of those aforementioned items, for less than the cost of 1 egg mcmuffin. WHAT THE HELL MCDONALDS.

Ever since he found the (velvet version of the) Infinity Gauntlet, this character has anointed himself the new Assistant Vice President of Menu Finance at McDonald’s (Hamburglar’s old position):


Praise the lord, praise him!


I wonder if some data analyst is going to run up to their manager like

Analyst: boss, I don’t know what the fuck happened, but there was a 29% spike in orders including a FoF and hashbrown during the month of March

Manager: Great work data analyst, let’s get rid of all the FoF coupons.


We call that quality: Leadership.


I stopped by McDonalds in Petaluma
I paid over 6 bucks . Same when I was in Santa Cruz. Wtf

With the app? Folks here say that the app saves you cash.

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The app used to be a lot more generous (presumably during the initial adoption phase). I mean the mobile ordering is still cool and all, but I’m cheap.


I’m spreading the gospel of Filet O Hashbrown to the masses…

Edit: spelling issues


Okay, since Ima a probably gonna skip the Ricky’s marlin tacos, I prob have time for this (although I still may not do it b/c I’m lazy).

Do I just order a hashbrown and a filet o’ fish and then self assemble, or do I actually ask them to put the hashbrown ON the sandwich for the ultimate experience???


Order separately. Consider asking for extra Tartar. When you get it, assemble and eat. Part of what make this so good is after breakfast you will most likely get a freshly fried Hashbrown.


You ask for a FoF with extra tartar and a hash brown and then build yourself.

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Or hope that’s it’s drowned like mine last week.

Note: Del Taco sauce optional :wink:

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I made a tragic mistake today y’all - I had to buy fries in order to partake in today’s free 6 pc nuggets offer, so I made a McFishNChips. Would not recommend, stick with the hash brown.