Kick in to keep the site going, if you feel like it

If you’d like to chip in to cover the cost of running this site, please sign up here:

You can make a monthly pledge, or to make a one-time donation, sign up for a pledge, then cancel it after it’s charged on the first of the month. The site was at one point around $600 in the red but is slowly moving toward the black.

Done. Let’s keep our lively food discussions going.

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Will do

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This topic is now a banner. It will appear at the top of every page until it is dismissed by the user.

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This topic is no longer a banner. It will no longer appear at the top of every page.

This topic is now a banner. It will appear at the top of every page until it is dismissed by the user.

This topic is no longer a banner. It will no longer appear at the top of every page.

This topic is now a banner. It will appear at the top of every page until it is dismissed by the user.

This topic is no longer a banner. It will no longer appear at the top of every page.

This topic is now a banner. It will appear at the top of every page until it is dismissed by the user.