Who else has contemplated CH Hari-Kari?

Who let the riff raff in?

They must be really bored over there - someone bumped my bull penis post from 3 years ago.

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i thought i made it fairly obvious

mouth-watering and…eye-watering as well.

i had a ball there.

i didn’t have your email addy!!
you were the FIRST person i would have tried to poach!

I hope they revive that Stinking Rose steak thread.


Yes. I sure hope so.

That’s the best fucking steak in town.

And that ain’t no fucking joke !!!

I couldn’t help myself.


Bada bing, bada boom!

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It lives!


That was very clever. Perhaps Keith Gilabert will became a premier contributor to the new Chowhounds. I think this could be the start of a beautiful collaboration.

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that’s really funny. I made a post in the whole KG/Stinking Rose thread about my friend’s experience there but my post was promptly removed (and this was BEFORE the total CH craziness).

I believe you guys will appreciate the story, so I’ll repeat it here for your amusement:

Because I was a CH regular (regular reader/sporadic poster) and the fact that I read food related media on a regular basis, one of my good friends sometimes asks me for restaurant reccomendations. At the time, my typical answer was “here are my preferences, but just go on CH and there will be a thorough thread on your question and base your choices on that”. WEEEEEEELLLLLL—this time she didn’t ask me first for a suggestion and just went on CH to do some research.

It was a b-day dinner and they wanted steak. She read the Stinking Rose best steak thread and they decided to go there (not realizing that it was a running joke among us). Sooooo, come Monday I ask where they ended up for dinner and how was it. She told me “Stinking Rose”. My eyes probably buldged out of my head and I did my best not to either panic, spit or burst out laughing (although I was thinking “oh shit”) while smiling and asking “so, how was it”? She said it was absolutely the best steak that she’s ever had. I breathed a sigh of relief (while cracking up) and said “really”? She said it was incredible. They loved it and had a great time there.

Sooooooooo I suppose there is a place for everybody out there and we all have different expectations and tastes (and maybe one can’t second judge your friends choices). I know I’m not going there anytime soon to check out the steak.


Fucking loved that story.

Great that we could help.

After all it’s the best fucking steak in town.

I know—can you fucking believe that shit!!! I got a good laugh out of it after I recovered from my shock…

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Great story. Thanks for sharing!

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BTW ns1’s post from 13 hours ago is the latest post on Chowhound’s LA board. I think they might have shot themselves in the foot - or maybe the head - in their rush to monetize the website.

As a big fan of French cuisine I am a bit depressed that a Frenchman, VIP Georges, killed Chowhounds, but I am very glad Parigi is with us. If only we could get John Talbot here.


They have. For sure. For now.

And to me, it begs the question - perhaps what could be the so-called Third Rail here at FTC - “But what if she (he) apologized, and came back to me?”

Suppose CH confessed to shooting themselves in the whatever, fired a few a-holes/scapegoats, rolled back the site and, maybe even even said the moderation would lighten up?

Would we go, or would we stay?

I kinda like it here. It feels more “free”, and the photo uploading/sharing is muuuuch simpler. And the quote function is nice, too. Hyperlinking is easier also.


For me, it’s more about the people than the platform.

The platform may be great but without the users, it’s just a fancy website.

That said, I’d probably just do what everyone else decides to do.

Because at the end of the day, I’m just looking for a place “where everyone knows your name” - figuratively, and maybe even literally.


The ship has sailed.

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