Your thoughts on adding a Veggie Burger to In and Out Menu?

Bread is not part of my regular diet, but if I’m going to have a burger, I’m going to have a real burger, not some kind of paleo or vegan or whatever substitute. Charcoal-grilled fatty beef patty cooked medium-rare, toasted (possibly buttered) brioche bun, maybe some mayo, suitable red wine.

I eat beans and grains every day prepared in ways that are a lot tastier than pseudoburger form.


This issue came up on KPCC - I think it was “Air Talk.” All the major issues that this discussion is touching on came up and were expanded on during the on-air discussion.

The most significant take-away I got was the requested imposition of change in the way of operating a particular private business. This coming from seemingly well-intentioned consumers to a business that has achieved a high degree of operational efficiency while producing a highly desirable product and whose successful business model had been struck very early after its inception and continues to be successful to this day.

Much of this efficiency is based in keeping things as simple as possible. Much of this is minimising the number of ingredients needed in their menu, and how the menu impacts the need for ingredients, and the issues that the ingredients present, like sourcing, production, transport, storage, and preparation.

An issue that I think is important is how well In-N-Out treats and compensates their employees. Considering how competitors treat and compensate their employees (viewed as liabilities), In-N-Out has placed great value in their employees. This has been a long-standing tradition for In-N-Out. I have to assume that because this company is and has been so successful, that this is part of why the employees are treated so well. And of course it’s a two-way street. The employees give their all because they feel they’re getting a square deal with their employer.


Someday maybe we can have a steak that looks like a salad.

Cuz isn’t that what a vegetarian burger is after all? A salad masquerading as a beef patty?



Well, In-n-Out is not just a drive through as I’m sure you know. Actually the protein burgers come wrapped in paper the same as regular burgers, so they’re not completely unweildy. It’s just that the iceberg lettuce leaves aren’t as firm a closure as a bun, so you really need larger hands or to pay more attention while you’re eating it. I can see where eating one while you’re driving could be rather challenging. Otherwise just requires a little more concentration.


Personally, I think vegetarian burgers are an invention of angry hippie elves. But I’m not a burger/sandwich person, so who am I to judge?

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Many thanks to your bro for doing the Intel. .
Looks like a damn good burger!

LOL…angry hippie elves. .

There are things that you can get through drive-through that you shouldn’t (reasonably) eat while driving. Two we know from personal experience are McRibs and tacos. :smile:


This GMO Fankenburger is coming to SF tomorrow:

The last thing a real vegetarian wants to eat is fake meat dripping blood.


Ding Ding Ding Ding. . .winner soy chicken dinner!

I think those burgers are for “save the planet” vegetarians and “meat is murder” vegetarians, as opposed to the “meat is gross” crowd.

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Impossible Foods and Beyond Meat aren’t really targeting vegetarians at all.


That’s probably wise. But how receptive do you think meat-eaters would be to the product?

The way a lot of people eat burgers, with cheese, onions, pickles, and sauce, they might hardly notice the difference. That’s what those companies’ investors are betting on.

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[quote=“Bookwich, post:70, topic:4325, full:true”]
The last thing a real vegetarian wants to eat is fake meat dripping blood.
[/quote]Well, when you put it that way…

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[quote=“small_h, post:74, topic:4325, full:true”]
That’s probably wise. But how receptive do you think meat-eaters would be to the product?
[/quote]Me please. I’m a meat eater raised by parents who were mostly vegetarian. I love a good vegetarian dish.

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[quote=“small_h, post:72, topic:4325”]
I think those burgers are for “save the planet” vegetarians and “meat is murder” vegetarians,
[/quote]That would be my son, Captain Save a Planet. He definitely misses his meat. I sent him a picture of that burger and he got really excited.

I often get a “nut-case” burger as a reprieve from meat. I think of it as a spacer. And I put nut-case in quotes because as much as many save-the-planet do-gooders are chastised, they are ultimately right. If we all cut back at least on stuff like factory beef, we’d all be better off.


Well he’s in luck! Looks like it is among us… (for $14!!!)

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