Iki Ramen in KTown has a wonderful Tai ramen (fish broth with tai slices)
Thanks @Hungrydrunk! Another reason to get myself over to Iki Ramen! Tengoku in K-Town does a spicy one with shellfish which seems interesting, but I was especially looking for one with .
@TheCookie something fishy like this?
Btw anything comparable in LA?
Yes, exactly something fishy like this! We need this in L.A.
Hi @Sgee,
How are those fish ramen? The most recent fish ramen we tried here in L.A. was… fine, but it’s not comparable to the level of deliciousness achieved from great Tonkotsu, etc.
It might not really be comparable. A different animal, so to speak.
Is Marufuku ramen worth trying? I’ve heard they are good but not sure good ramen in SF translates to good ramen in Ramentown, America aka Costa Mesa/Irvine.
OC Register just did a review