Amazing countryside Restaurant Lilith near Lecce

Restaurante Lilith–Such a beautiful place in the countryside increases expectations. The fantasy of five appetizers surpassed those expectations. All five were delicious but particularly good was the thin slice of slightly pickled eggplant rolled around an anchovy and capers. And that was jus the beginning-- all in all it was a complete unforgettable meal. Not to be missed. Found it on the Slow Food App.
Lilith Restaurant,
At the Farmhouse Masseria Copertini
73029 - Vernole (Le),
Province Strudà - Vanze
Info: +39 393 996 2150
Closed Mondays

I remember eating very well on my one visit to Lecce. Beautiful city.

Did you get to Castel del Monte?

How long ago did you eat in Lecce. We were there and ate at a place that
had been talked about by Corby Kummer I think in Atlantic Mag about 25
years ago, but I couldn’t remember the name, and Lecce was absolutely
unrecognizable, as was Otranto.

I think it was in 1986.

It was a beautiful dusty town but then. Now it isn’t.

I remember a very elegant city center.

Keep those memories and don’t go back.
All those things are still there.
But instead of seeming like a quiet little city but wherever there is a
baroque building it is surrounded by 10 souvenir stands and 20 new
Go to google maps and look at Roman Amphitheater and look at all the pics.