Auburn - OOE Tasting & Partial Bar "Tasting"

wow bummer. Never got to try it.


Takeout sales were steadily increasing each week, but were “nowhere in the ballpark” of what the restaurant was pulling in when fully operational.

“For a week’s worth of revenue, we were doing less than a Thursday night,” he said.


That’s a bummer.
Bon Temps too.
And, sadly, it only the beginning.


Just named one of GQ’s top new restaurants. GQ’s Best New Restaurants for 2020

Thanks for this because the actual GQ piece isn’t a List it’s an article and collection of the reviewer’s thoughts with photos and restaurant names sprinkled in. A pet peeve of mine. Either you’re making a List w/short commentary & location of each restaurant (à la eater) or you’re writing an article. I like articles but don’t like them disguised as Lists to get clicks. Good morning.

Chef Bost is moving down to San Diego and taking over as executive chef at a French restaurant, Jeune et Jolie. Not familiar with this place but it won Eater SD 2019 restaurant of the year.