Aunt Jemima brand retired by Quaker due to racial stereotype

I remember moving to this town in Nevada in the mid 70’s . Supposed to be the land of opportunity. I hated this place and the way they treated the native people. I ended up there with no money. Living next to the Paiute and Shoshone people surrounded by cyclone fencing. I asked my boss why don’t you give these people jobs . He said. That’s not the way we do it . So I thought ok. Anytime a native came to the register to pay . I waved them on and told then it’s free today . They walked away with a smile . I moved from this gross place 6 months later saving every penny to get out .

Growing up I was friends with Wampanoag Indians from a reservation in Aquinna aka Gay Head in New England. Gay Head is the most beautiful part of the most beautiful area and a big tourist attraction. The Indians do very well with shops, restaurants and fishing guide businesses. So, I only knew from history classes how badly Native-Americans were treated and what was done to them and knew my friends‘ parents were serious about maintaining their heritage, but I never made a real connection to what was done until I moved West. The first time I saw an Indian reservation in the West I was shaken. It was like entering a parallel universe - hot, dusty, desolate, completely time forgotten and everyone looked depressed. The Native-Americans had been pushed, pushed and pushed again until they were at the end of the earth and that’s exactly what it felt like being there.

As opposed to? Sorry, buddy, couldn’t help it. :wink:


You said it well .