Carne Asada Marinade/Seasoning

This was sold out, too.

I’m not a fan of using ANY bottled juices for cooking, lemon, lime, garlic, any of that stuff. Fresh is always best and a noticeable difference.

I only used 1/2 a juicy orange to 5 limes , that was plenty. Past experience with too much OJ.

I also used olive oil, a touch of canola to keep the olive oil from solidifying, kosher salt, pepper, thin sliced onions, cilantro. Divided my marinade and meat and I added a splash of soy to half the marinade to see the difference.


And how was it? Delicious I’m sure :slightly_smiling_face:

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So, blind taste test… EVERYONE preferred the batch that had the tiny bit of soy. Aha!!!


Thank you, @Dommy @DiningDiva @aaqjr @ebethsdad @robert for all of the help and suggestions.


I love fucbing up recipes,. Putting on your own touch . Bravo.


I think your CA looks spectacular. Great job!

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Fabulous job! You got a great sear on those bad boys!

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THIS. We only use the fresh stuff because we have a family supplier. Otherwise, it’s not a make or break thing for us. We just amp up our recados and use white vinegar. Sour orange isn’t too common in Mexico outside of the Yucatan. It’s quite plentiful, there are big trucks that come into the neighborhoods and sell them. But it’s highly seasonal…

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