Colatura, an Italian fish sauce - has anyone used this?

That about says it :slight_smile: I read about it twice in about two days and ordered a bottle. I read that you can’t sub Asian fish sauce. I’ve love to hear anyone’s opinions/experiences. TIA.

I ordered it from Prime :slight_smile: Have you used it? I saw this recipe which is very appealing:

Sorry I never reported back on this recipe. It is so, so good. Not cheap; this was $15 for 100ml but completely worth it IMO. Having it left over tonight and have already pulled a couple of strands of the cold pasta out to nibble on.


I made this the other night and dang it’s so good.

Add bottarga and grated :lemon:

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How fishy is bottarga? I can tolerate an anchovy mixed in with other stuff. I’ve read it compared to caviar which I adore. ??? TIA.

Strong than caviar IMO, but I love the stuff on pasta and pile on tablespoons full at home. Use sparingly if you find it too fishy, adds an additional layer of umaminess.