Dim Sum & Hong Kong Seafood Specialist - Sea Harbour

it was a big deal when bo loong opened in cleveland in the 80’s as someone imported a few dim sum chefs from NYC .i took some friends to try it. not only was dim sum foreign to them, so was the concept of ‘family style’ - one person grabbed a plate off the lazy susan and was about to eat all of it when the concept of family style was explained to him and he returned the plate to the lazy susan with a sheepish smile.

bo loong is still there. i took my dad there for his 95th birthday last august. the menu is not extravagant; here’s about half of it:

Secret Asianman -

The birthday meal was indeed before Bo Loong opened. And by your pic the menu may not be extravagant but at least it has the classics! (Though I’d be craving the sticky rice in lotus leaf.)

Here’s how much things have changed in Cleveland. As I said, for many years, no dim sum. More recently? My dad had a long stint of staying in the Cleveland Clinic and he got bored with the food. On their website they list all the places that deliver to the clinic - and Bo Loong was one of them!

I find it quite labor intensive. Making the filling(s), the dough, assembling. And, of course, we want more than just one type.

Reno in the year 2019 has NO dim sum. That’s why I took a class. And am planning on making these today.

Image result for shrimp and chive dumpling dim sum

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Oh my gosh - it would be amazing to be able to make those! Is that green onion or leek inside?

I’m very surprised (and sad!) that Reno has no dim sum. But yay you for being able to make your own!

What kind of authentic Chinese food does Reno have these days? I remember a while back seeing bundles of Chinese newspapers stacked in SF Chinatown and being told that they were being delivered to Reno, so there must have been a critical mass of Chinese residents there.

well, the clinic draws people from all over the world. (sadly, i would recommend elsewhere - the clinic’s rep draws more on thoroughness than the acumen of the diagnosticians. your doc/HMO will not run certain tests if the cost is relatively prohibitive compared to the chance you might have the condition. the clinic will run every test - but you have to pay for it.)

@catholiver make sure you rinse the chives thoroughly.

or maybe they gamble there?

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@Happybaker, those are Chinese chives.

@secretasianman, I did some quick research re the Chinese in Reno and it’s only 1%+. There were a lot in the late 1800s when the railroad was being built. Most of those moved away. I do see a lot of “Asians” in casinos. And the median age is mid30s.

@chandavkl, we have a couple of quite good Taiwanese places and a very popular Thai place. Lots of pho. We have very well stock Asian market. Not a whole lot of fresh things but frozen, canned, etc. I was talking to the owner who politely steered me away from a place that I’d heard about. And gave me a menu to a place she recommended. When I went to their website, they do have a small dim sum menu which I’ll definitely check.

Now y’all can return to your regularly scheduled programing :slight_smile:

PS; The dough and the filling are made for the shrimp chive dumplings. The hard part for me is always the pleating. Andrea Nguyen pointed out that they don’t have to look pretty to taste good.


Yet another reason to adore that gal. And you!

Silly you. But she IS a great teacher. She’ll describe a texture as like a Post-It note or Play Doh. A side note that I’m approaching performance anxiety. My dough feels a bit wet but maybe not. And once I start the process I have to go through the steaming before I can stop and then fry later. Argh. I can remember when jfood walked me through making ravioli the first time :smile:

@Chowseeker1999 Thanks much for the reply and suggestions! That’s a lotta food, but we luv leftovers so we’ll probably order everything you suggested. So nice to see brown sauce chicken feet as opposed to red sauced, the latter being more prevalent much to my dismay. I love anything Cantonese with bittermelon so excited about that, too.


We’ve found that lots of dim sum doesn’t reheat all that well. Especially the dumplings. How do you reheat please?

@catholiver See @Happybaker 's instructions here Heat har gao and other dumpling-like items separately from your plate containing the rest of your leftovers like vegetables, chow mein, etc. YMMV Please don’t complain to me if you don’t get the desired result.

Why would I complain to you??? And when I have leftover dim sum there are no other items. There are things just as good reheated. I don’t consider most dim sum dumplings to be that.

Note to self: No good deed goes unpunished.


I’ve probably been eating and dealing with dim sum longer than you’ve been alive. And whining is so unattractive :slight_smile:

In case anyone’s interested, here’ info from one of my food gods, Andrea Nguyen:

How to Refresh Dim Sum Leftovers and Takeout - Viet World Kitchen

Going forward I’ll take the time to use my bamboo steamer(s).

Well… I think he was talking about (as did Andrea) that there are so many types of dim sum! Fried, baked steamed, you name it.

And hey, the link you gave? Those are fantastic directions! They take what I know and add to it much - thank you : )

I would also add, from a dear friend who has led me to much killer dim sum - consider a convection oven with steam. She says it’s the perfect amount of steam and heat for dim sum leftovers and she got her steam/convection oven at Costco years ago. (I don’t see it there now.)

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Now now. No worries - we are grateful and you are loved. It’s all good, we are all just trying to eat well together!


PS -

CO, when I reheat my dim sum leftovers, I end up using my steamer, my microwave and my toaster oven. Different heats for different treats!