Dish of the Month (DoTM) -- MARCH 2017 -- NOMINATIONS

SOMETHING NEW as well. This is a great excuse to knock out those pages and pages of “To Try” yelp bookmarks, yeah?

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Hmmm… Maybe we need to clarify this nomination.

Is it new if you’ve never eaten it before, e.g., beef tendon or Sichuan peppercorns?

Or a new cuisine, e.g., Columbian, or simply a restaurant one hasn’t visited before?

Because that might get unwieldy, and uncohesive, thematically.

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Well, what’s new for you might be old hat for me, no? I feel like the theme is inherently somewhat uncohesive, thematically…

Well, my intent was too keep it kinda open: something you haven’t tried. Whether that’s an ingrediemt, a particular dish, a new tyoe of cuisine… maybe you’ve never done a fancy tasting menu. Maybe you’ve somehow never had a hot dog cart hotdog. Maybe you’ve never cooked for 12 before…

I figured it more as a ‘theme’ as opposed to a specific directive.

SOkay, but with all due respect, how is this going to work? It will be everyone posting a new hot dog stand or a dinner party menu. We have tons of threads for that.

To me, a DOTM is a particular item that we all go out and snuffle out the good ones (like good hounds) and compare our finds. Discuss and argue who makes the best breakfast burrito or salad or lamb dish.

If it gets too broad, I don’t see the point. It’s just listing what we ate.

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SALADS, DUMPLINGS, TOAST (with stuff on it). But I don’t mean all 3 in one month. Not crazy about that idea.

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