Easy Chocolate Holiday Desserts

The invitations to holiday potluck parties are starting to roll in, and I’m looking for some inspiration. What are some ideas/recipes for easy chocolate holiday desserts? I usually make my peppermint brownies, but am interested in trying something new this year. Let’s try to avoid recipes where I would need to temper chocolate…I don’t have a candy thermometer, and don’t really want to go down that path.



I’ve made this. It requires nothing special equipment wise except cheesecloth or a fine strainer to make sure there’s no lumps. It’s simple, it’s delicious, you can make it directly into individual cups or ramekins ahead of time.

The flavor you get is directly a factor of the chocolate you use. I LOVE Scharffen Berger, personally, but whatever your favorite is. If you’ve been looking for an occasion to break out the good stuff, this is one.

Hi lectroid,

This is my favorite chocolate pudding recipe. I got it from Smitten Kitchen where it is recommended to use one ounce of unsweetened chocolate and five ounces of semisweet or bittersweet chocolate which in my opinion makes it even better.

Hi attran99,

I don’t know if this one is easy by your standards. It certainly is a crowd pleaser:

I recently made these chocolate chunk cookies. They are really good:

Thanks, @lectroid and @maccrogenoff! Chocolate pudding sounds divine…my chocolate loving hostess is going to get a different kind of dessert this year because of your help.

@maccrogenoff I just finished using the Smitten Kitten version and it’s spectacular! I will never box it or purchase it pre-made ever, again. I’m pretty sure it’s going to be a hit. Thanks!

Hi attran99,

I’m glad you like the recipe. I agree, it’s really good. I like that it’s just chocolate, milk, salt and cornstarch. I think that not using cream or eggs lets the chocolate flavor dominate.

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