Enter The Dragon - Striving for the Pinnacle of Dim Sum Goodness! Dragon Beaux [Thoughts + Pics]

Hi @Xochitl,

So glad you made it out to Dragon Beaux and enjoyed the meal. :slight_smile: Next time give their Baked BBQ Pork Buns a try (over the Steamed version). That’s the one that they are inspired by the famous one made in Hong Kong by Tim Ho Wan years ago, and we thought was better than the U.S. branch we tried. :slight_smile:

Yah we love that Roasted Pork Belly - that crispy skin! :slight_smile: When you’re back in L.A., give Ruby BBQ a try (or Monterey Palace). Both of them have the same level of amazing crisp-crunchy skin and fresh Pork. :slight_smile:

I love Fried Taro as well! Thanks for the reminder. :wink: And if you love Taro, give their Rainbow Taro Paste Bao a try. They were SO good! :heart:

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