Food I Ate as a Child That I'm Pretty Sure My Friends Didn't

My friends and I ate Space Food Sticks in Davis, California. They were kind of like Tootsie Rolls, only with even less flavor.

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Are we dating ourselves? :blush:

Dunno. When were they discontinued?


The chicken spread is available at every market I’ve been to, even Smart & Final carries it.

Enjoy!! (Lol)

Oh, and now they carry Corned Beef spread.

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Duh… I was thinking about that earlier and came to the conclusion that it’s probably out there, just not on my radar anymore. We’re so new age, farm-to-table, organic obsessed now. Maybe I’ll pick up a box of Hamburger Helper while I’m at it. :wink:


I second it!

That is a beautiful looking plate of matzo!

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Cold right out the can…


SpaghettiOs - right out of the can.


That was a treat for us growing up!


You can get them on Amazon, if you don’t have Prime, throw a 4 pack ($14) in with another order to go over the threshold for free shipping.

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Grew up in a LA suburb that was mostly Chinese, Korean, Filipino, and Indian with a sprinkle of Thai and Cambodian. So really nothing too unique.

Buttered toast with pork floss!!! I invite you all to try this creation! So good, have not had this in years!

Peanut Butter and Butter on hot toast.

One of my favorite meals my mom would make was steak, white rice, and frozen vegetables. With ketchup and A1 for the steak, and butter with the veg. Steak pan drippings over the rice too!

I have a love for beef tendons since I was a kid via Taiwanese beef noodle soup


I’ve actually had buttered toast with pork floss…it was delicious! Haven’t had it in ages…make that lifetimes ago.


That explains a lot about your broad taste buds and food knowledge.

This thread is interesting in that it reveals the crossovers. In describing some of your childhood meals you also described mine exactly.

Okay, that’s it. I have to try pork floss just once.


Flashback Friday

Maybe I’ll go totally 1970s and make Chicken Croquettes.

4760 Pico Blvd
Miracle Mile


Wait, did they also make deviled ham? I had that at a friend’s house once and loved it. We ate it on saltines. :slight_smile:

We used to eat that on camping trips when I was a kid. Also those single-serving cereal boxes that you can make into a bowl. But only on camping trips.

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Yes they did or do. Saltines were the perfect accompaniments. :slight_smile: