Greatchefs - youtube channel featuring an astonishing array of old masters

a youngish alain passard showing how to make the classic, much-imitated, much-riffed on, l’arpege egg Hot-Cold Soft-boiled Egg from Chef Alain Passard - YouTube
the troisgros brothers do several different recipes (Lobster Paillete (Homard Pailleté) by Claude Troisgros - YouTube)
bernard loiseau - sort of surreal (Squab and Cabbage Stuffed with Foie Gras by Bernard Loiseau - YouTube)
alain senderens (Foie Gras in Savoy Cabbage from Chef Alain Senderens - YouTube)
roger vergé (Artichokes à la Barigoule by Roger Vergé - YouTube)

from the americans, jeremiah tower shows up a few times (Grilled Goat Cheese in Vine Leaves by Jeremiah Tower - YouTube)
jean-louis palladin as well (Celery Root Soup with Shad Roe by Jean-Louis Palladin - YouTube), a young daniel boulud (Great Chef Daniel Boulud and his Sweetbreads with Chamomile, Morels, Peas, and Fava Beans - YouTube), susan feniger and mary sue milliken, among others


I used to make it home in time for great chefs . On pbs . Loved all of them . Especially the narrative. She’s fabulous. Jean - Louis Palladin . I was enamored by his duck on a string cooked in front of a fire in the fireplace. I had to do it . Really awesome. Came out fabulous. And all the visuals that came with it on a wintery night


Also was a “Great Chefs of the West” followup I used to love in the 90s.