Help w/ Beach Bonfire

Hi friends!

I am planning on throwing a beach bonfire! I am a little stuck on the food part. I want to use both a portable propane grill and the bonfire. So far:

-Vegetable Kabobs
-Beef Kabobs
-Corn on the Cob
-Chips and Guac
-Cold Pasta Salad or Potato Salad
-Fruit (I’m thinking watermelon)
-Hot Dogs and Burgers (maybe get rid of beef kabobs if doing burgers too)

Any tips/recipes/what do you think of the above? Thanks in advance!

Since you are doing kebabs perhaps some spreads and pitas so there is protein for any vegetarians and the kabobs can become sandwiches?

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Do a whole roast pig on the bonfire.

Budget about 1 hour per 10 pound of piggie.



We usually plan for the exact same menu you have listed when we stroll to Huntington/Bolsa Chica for the day with friends/family. Well, minus kabobs…because I’m too lazy to prep those for a crowd. We like to limit all the sides/snacks to no dairy as to not worry about food temp and storage…so everything is vinaigrette-based. You can always to bacon-wrapped dogs and cook onions and peppers in foil packets. We do our s’mores with peanut butter cups in addition to the regular chocolate…one of my friends always brings bananas to roast in foil packets with chocolate or peanut butter cups mixed in. I like pre-making pitchers of cocktails that sit in the cooler all day on ice, so I can easily pour and serve…do a float of any soda and it helps mix the alcohol better. For cold evenings, we bring instant cocoa mix and a peppermint schnapps.
If my friends organize, they’ve brought their cast iron pots to make chili and cornbread…and maybe another to make a fruit crumble dessert. I’ve only seen it done once, and it was really delicious.


LA Kalbi (the 3 bones kind) for any home, beach grilling or bonfire.


Make sure the local fire ordinances at the beach of your choice permits fires at all.

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Marinate some pineapple in soy sauce, water and brown sugar, then grill. So refreshing and easy.

I don’t think you need burgers if making beef kabob, but if there are children, you definitely need hot dogs on sticks or coat hangers for them to play with in the fire. It’s not a bonfire until someone’s hot dog falls in the fire, a few marshmallows catch on fire, and a little kid gets its first blister.

Sounds like a fun party!

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Musubi is great for the beach and something we’ve had good success with (especially if kids are involved).


Yep, that’s my auntie’s go to for beach, park & home grilling. She brings her own grate to put on top of the “nasty” park and beach grills.


I had wondered about that. With the constant threat of fires,there must be some rules/restrictions. At Lake Tahoe, beach fires are illegal.

Wildfires don’t start at the beach.

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Sure they do. SPARKS - wind - wildfires.

No. Not in Los Angeles. If you’re camping in the mountains, sure. Not on a beach.

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If they’re illegal, then they should probably get these out of Orange County…


So if sparks fly up and are blown toward combustible materials they won’t catch fire?

Are there screens on top of those? And, my gawd, what are those used for?

We don’t have combustible materials on the beach. There is sand and water (ocean). Any vegetation is beyond fire breaks, e.g., more sand, roads, cement paths. So no, beach bonfires do not cause wildfires in L.A.

@JeetKuneBao. Don’t forget to invite some musicians!

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No screens, and they’re used for… um… wait for it… beach bonfires!


OP didn’t specify which beach, thus my initial advice. For example if one tries to start a bonfire on any beach in Malibu, that gets quashed pretty quick by the authorities.

Bonfire-approved beaches like Huntington has designated pits, sure. But again, OP didn’t specify which beach he intended on going to…