How to find real Italian Traditional food

I recently spent 2 months in Italy going from North to South. I used the Slow Food Guide. It is $8.50 as an app for your phone. You do not need to read Italian since what you are looking for is addresses. Slow Food only recommends restaurants that will end up at 35 euros for an antipasto, primo (pasta), secondo, (entree), dolce (desert). And there is no requirement that you have all the courses. We had good luck everywhere with Slow Food. I does help to read restaurant menu Italian. Usually somebody on the staff speaks enough English to get you through the menu.

Same content as this?

No, That is from 2007. I bought the Italian 2017 version app online for my phone in Italy.

There’s a 2017 / 2018 edition.

Nope, this is what I got.

The app and the book are two ways Slow Food is distributing the same content. There are also English and German translations.

What is nice about the app is it knows where you are and tells you the distance from the different Slow Food restaurants. In rural areas, that is, not the big tourist cities, reservations are not really needed. We were traveling mainly east and south of Rome in Molise and Puglia. I’ve read that 40% of Italian truffles come from Molise. It was summer so the fresh truffles were summer black truffles, which are the least valued, but we ate a lot of food with truffles and it was wonderful. I have heard that many of the Molise truffles go to Piemonte and are sold as local.

One more thing I forgot about Slow Food restaurants it that you never be disappointed–meals are a max of 35 euros without drink per person. You can pay much more elsewhere and get tall fashionable food, but it won’t necessarily taste better.

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