In search of: takoyaki and okonomiyaki

Kai Ramen, multiple locations.


With takoyaki the rule of thumb is ‘Frozen and fried until proven otherwise.’

Proof is the takoyaki teppan (grill). Easy to spot:


My cousin bought one. She’s not a cook, but said it’s really easy to use. I’m not experienced enough to know whether or not they were done right, but they were crispy outside, creamy inside and yummy.


iki ramen


Yay! Someplace close to me.

For Takoyaki and Okonomiyaki, you can always go to Gindaco in the Tokyo Central Market (formerly Marukai) on Artisia and Western in Gardena. While there you can pick up the pans for Takoyaki.

TheTakoyaki is excellent Okonomiyaki is decent, but not up to the quality avalable at Gaja (RIP) Plus these days I make my own with a recipe from Serious Eats and it scratches the itch. Okonomiyaki (Japanese Cabbage Pancake) Recipe


For anybody that likes CRISPY takoyaki, Gindaco is your place. If they didn’t invent crispy takoyaki, they certainly popularized it. They use more oil in the grilling process and their grills vibrate to automatically rotate the takoyaki.

I hate to dig up a comment from 2016, Chef, but crispy is definitely not the traditional adjective to describe takoyaki. Most OG shops/stands in Osaka feature grilled balls with molten dashi-rich centers.

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I’ve now realized that what Gindaco does is not the standard typical takoyaki.

That said I’ve still yet to find Kansai style takoyaki that I do enjoy or kansai style okonomiyaki anywhere in Japan or the states but its not like I’ve looked hard. I’ll stick with hiroshima style okonomiyaki for now.

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Just had gindaco at Tokyo central on Saturday. Super crunchy on the outside almost gooey on the inside topped with bulldog sauce, kewpie mayo, Giri kale, and bonito flakes.

Only comparison I have is the takoyaki at the airport in Tokyo which weren’t nearly as good.


+1 for Iki Ramen