JThur01 On Unsung San Gabriel Valley Noodle Types

i’m against them.

i could say i was hurt., but i’d be lying.

i’ve got seven likes,

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Looks to me like Spock got infected by an attempt to take Dongbei/Tianjin-style bean sheets and top them with the Sichuan-style spicy sauce used on their mung bean jelly noodles. An attempt that clearly went horribly awry.

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apparently you can find chinese cuisine everywhere.

you just have to know where to look.

I would never look on the back of a Vulcan. And certainly not a half-Vulcan.

I’m more of a Data fan, anyway, truth be told.

i would rather gaze at the front of t’pol myself.

So I guess appropriate for monks…

clearly you are an anti-vulcanite.

shame. shame. shame.