Jua - Another Jungsik alum strikes out on his own - Flatiron

Based on a pop a few months back, Chef Kim has a deft hand with seafood. Should be interesting to see what he does with wood fired fare.

Appears they’ve developed a great support network to launch new ventures in NYC - kudos!

Jua is located a short walk from our apartment. (Way more convenient than shlepping down to Jungsik which we enjoyed several times but haven’t been to in a very long time.) So I’m really looking forward to trying Jua. It was supposed to be open by now. However, a note posted on the homepage says that a permit issue from the city is delaying the opening for at least two weeks.

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Jan 24, back in biz

Thanks for that info!

You’re welcome

Will you be going there soon? If so, I hope you’ll provide details about the menu.

Nothing definitive planned at the moment, will definitely post more info if I get a chance to dine there soon.