LOL - PR agency selling spots in LA WeeklyTop Food Bloggers listicle?

It will be interesting to see who paid to get on the list.


This is a great opportunity for PeonyWarrior!


That’s not from LA Weekly. It’s purportedly from Mogul Press. Who knows if the claim is true or if it’s just a scam. Be interesting to see if such a listicle appears.

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Oh, that’s from Twitter 2.0. Likely not even from Mogul Press. Some troll in a basement in Chechnya.

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That’s true, hadn’t thought of that.

Could be “sponsored content,” i.e. advertising.

I got the same email and Instagram message from the pr agent . Pretty lame…hard NO thanks.

What makes you think that it was from a PR agent rather than a scammer? Post the email and Instagram account and we can check it out.

that company already has a puff piece on LAW so it would not be a stretch.

Contrary to what Calle said, I see no disclosure that that’s an ad. To the contrary, the line at the bottom, “Advertising disclosure: We may receive compensation for some of the links in our stories. Thank you for supporting LA Weekly and our advertisers,” suggests that it’s an LA Weekly piece. I guess “written in partnership with” is supposed to be it.

Here are some existing listicles that look likely to be pay-to-play.

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There are many, many paid placements in media that do not have ad disclosures.


One post, only thing is a puff piece for Mogul Media. C’mon dude.

I’m sure LAW just obtained this article for free just because they needed content. /s

No, Mogul paid LA Weekly.

Obviously the piece is paid advertising (which is not so obvious for the listicles I linked to). I’m just saying that Calle was full of shit when he claimed that sponsored content is clearly labeled and aboveboard.

We have standards — there’s certain stuff that obviously we won’t take, anything that’s illegal or illicit or libel or slanderous. People hit up the sales reps and often they want press, and we can’t and wouldn’t sell press, but we can sell sponsored content, where they can tell their own story in their own words.

It has to be clearly labeled as sponsored, it can’t be anything illegal, and the links we provide for the story are no-follow links, so it’s all done aboveboard.


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