Pandan Kaya

I must have been living under a boulder the size of Jupiter all this time, but I just recently discovered Pandan Kaya.

For those, like me, who are new to this, how best to describe? I would say it’s basically coconut flavored egg custard.

I know you’re supposed to spread it on toast, buns and other bread-type products (sort of like Malay peanut butter or maybe cream cheese) but I’m good with just a spoon. Thank you very much.

Not necessarily recommending this brand but this is the Pandan Kaya that I have been eating.


Looks legit, ordering a bottle.

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That stuff is so good.

I also love pandan kaya cake:


Double down on the eggyness with a classic kaya toast dip in barely poached egg.


I like the Srikaya brand pandan flavored kaya. Available at some SGV stores and sometimes 99 Ranch. My go to is the Yeo’s orange kaya in a can. It’s what I grew up with.

When i go to Singapore, i always grab a couple jars of kaya from Ya Kun Kaya Toast to bring back home. It has pandan in it but not strong.

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