Pearl River Deli - Chinatown

We actually never used Mary’s. Originally it was Jidori but we switched back to using Wing Lee chickens which was what Sidechick used in its first year for both the white pullets and brown indian chickens so right now all of our chickens are from the same source.


My bad about Mary’s Chix. But the Hainan Chix are white :hatched_chick:? That was what I was trying to get at.

yes they are white pullets but they are still raised to Wing Lee’s specifications to try to balance having a “Asian” taste while still being tender.


In other words, feed those chickens all the family’s dinner leftovers and organic detritus in the backyard coop lol. (That’s how it was for me as a kid in Asia lol - and guess who had to lug all that stuff and feed it to the cluckers?)


white cut chicken
Excellent chicken! Love the snappy skin, stronger chicken flavor, and the better bite of the flesh compared to white pullet.

dark meat :drooling_face:

white meat :drooling_face:

pork neck char siu
Good. Not done as nicely as my last visit which was great! Slightly tough this time around.

scissor cut curry / hainanese curry
Very flavorful dish all around especially after spooning that bold and punchy curry sauce all over! Don’t sleep on the soy braised shiitake laden with sweet and salty umami. I think I tasted a bit of Maggi seasoning in there.

Nice and crunchy crust but a touch dry.


ground running chicken?

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Did a PRD run (it had been a month) and snapped up all the specials I could this weekend. This is going to feed me for a week.

White Cut Chicken

Superb job on the chicken, which like others I quite enjoyed compared to the Hainan chicken. The crew really knocked this one out of the park.

Scissor Cut Curry

What an absolute jam. Everything from the cabbage to the shiitakes to the fried egg on top was fantastic. I really liked drowning it all in the curry sauce and mixing it up with the egg yolk.

Chiayi Turkey Plate

This was an interesting spin coming out of the holidays since I’ve been eating more turkey and I’m more conscious it’s flavor profile versus chicken. I’m not super familiar with the dish, but from my understanding the rice is coated in the stock and not mixed with fat like the chicken fat (duh) rice that comes with the Hainan chicken. The flavors were a but subtler, but the real star anyway is the turkey, which was excellently cooked. I really liked how it was shredded and easier to mix in with the rice alongside big glops of the scallion oil included.

Brussels Sprouts Lap Yuuk

Such a classic combination with a nice twist of soy and oyster sauce. I loved it, but I don’t think I’ve met a non-boiled/steamed brussels sprout I didn’t like, so I’m an easy get.

Silky Char Siu Scramble

This was a dish off the main menu I hadn’t had previously and I’m not sure has gotten much attention, but it was absolutely delicious. Not only is it a huge portion, but the fatty slices of char siu were like giant pieces of bacon hidden in the egg. It’s absolutely something I’ll order again–and with a side of rice when I get it solo.


You know what fowl I’m gonna be using for the Fowler museum soy sauce chicken zoom cooking class. Definitely the brown chicken, which think viets call gà đi bộ (which just means “ground walking” free range not nec the breed)


Interestingly the family that runs Wing Lee poultry are Vietnamese-Chinese and originally started the company because they were making border runs for chicken in Mexico from San Diego, where they first were living, because those chickens reminded them of the chickens back in Vietnam and their friends kept asking them to bring back some chickens for them and got to the point where it too many people were asking them. Now they have a huge chicken company.


I wouldn’t be surprised that different poultry farms market different breeds as gà đi bộ—because for most viets that’s what they know and what they order, not necessarily the breed type. Wing lees is great—they used to consistently sell the unfertalized eggs until few years ago.

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This week we’ll be serving a limited amount of white cut chicken using the brown Indian style chickens. There will be an option to upgrade it to a Hainan Chicken plate as well!

@rlw @PorkyBelly @aaqjr @Starchtrade


Cooking class with PRD


Thanks! I love the ginger scallion sauce and have always wanted to learn to make it.




Just watched Chef Lee’s class on soy sauce chicken. Pretty sure if I practice on about 10K chickens, I’ll be able to open my own SSC food stand.


Dont worry if I coach you we can get you there much sooner.


I don’t fear the man who cooks one chicken 10,000 ways. I fear the man who cooks 10,000 chickens one way.


Cheers, @JLee - good to see you getting top billing!