Review: The Cheesecake Factory is the restaurant America wants, deserves

Mass appeal is necessary when you’re as big a TCF.


More than a few years ago I was in Macys at Union Square SF. There was a really long line of people waiting to get into TCF. I wanted to scream: “do you know where the eff you are???”

chang talks about it in his first episode of ugly delicious:
“the main reason i like domnos is because i’m being told by the culinary snob patrol that i can’t like it”

but he again qualifies “…it reminds me of growing up”

you can think what you want, but this is what chang has actually said about it - multiple times.

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I think it’s like Bourdain and bad greasy-spoon burgers: the actual fondness for something déclassé is enhanced by how it flips the bird at culinary snobs.


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