Sharksteeth - Photos for anyone interested

I finally made it into Sharksteeth, literally scooped up the tickets the final sweetbreads taco from Guerilla Tacos in my other hand lol

The best part of the night may have been going over to LOU and picking up bottles of odd wines and getting 10% off, great tip if you ever go to Sharksteeth.

It seems people have been, but never posted much in the way of photos, so for those who are wondering what dishes look like, you can see them here.

The dinner is just under $100, and tax/tip is included in the ticket price. So the price point is pretty fair. Basically the same price as Trois Mec (sans supplements of course).

The dishes are fairly large portions. The plating ranges from creative, refined to oddball, campy.

Food was good, and at times fascinating, though not as much as you might imagine. Flavors often felt homier than one would hope, but then again you are eating in the living room of someone’s house, so I guess that’s fitting.

Personally, I would not return though. The reason is that the experience is not good overall. Six courses, substantially sized, enjoyed properly would take I think about 2 hours. One would be especially grateful for this if one is trying to uncork various wines and pour them themselves for pairings, etc…

The kitchen is too well-oiled though, or has no sense of timing. The dinner was over within an hour… they did allow us to linger for another half hour or so afterwards, but given that there was no shortage of time (indicated by their allowance of lingering, and that we were the final seating of the night, etc…) it seemed utterly absurd to force us to eat so fast. I, not one to waste morsels of good food, had to rush through every plate other than dessert as I scrambled to pour myself some wine, and try to savor the dish…often the next one was being set down as I was trying to scarf the rest of a plate down… what otherwise would have been probably much more enjoyable was basically destroyed by this. You don’t get a menu at the end of the meal, and the descriptions are fired off so fast that it’s hard to recall what you ate without photos for the most part.

I mean, it was good… but given no time to savor much of anything, it feels incredibly strange. Still, if you’re ok being rushed through a meal faster than a trip to In-n-Out, it’s an interesting experience, and the food is good (though not great; everything tastes solid more than mind-blowing).