Thao Family Farms No Longer at Farmer’s Markets


Says he’ll supply restaurants as long as he can. He is leasing out a considerable portion of the farm.


Good news is they will still be coming to Torrance Farmers Market. I spoke with one of their workers and they will continue to come to Torrance two times a week. They were there yesterday with some amazing gailan, pea shoots, sprouted cauliflower and spring onion, among other produce.


Thanks, A5. Someone at the booth told me the stand will change to Mr. Thao’s, Kong’s cousin who has been at other smaller markets and that Kong has been gone from the market for two weeks now. Look forward to how it compares.

I noticed the Mr. Thao’s rebranding when I bought from them at Torrance last week. Hoped it was just a marketing move.

Bought some gai lan and rappini - seemed like the same level quality to me.


You are correct in the renaming, the signage now says Mr Thao’s Family Farms or something to that nature.

It appears to be the same produce as Thao Farms of old.


According to Kong it is not a rebranding. It’s his cousin who also has a farm in Fresno. Not sure if the land he is leasing is being leased by his cousin. Kong’s soil is gold.

Very interesting, I couldn’t tell the difference right down to the way they package and ship the produce. Even the hand written signs identifying and pricing the produce is the same.

I did notice many of the pickled veggies and chiles were not being sold anymore though.

Thanks for the intel!