The Excellent Black Soybean Soft Tofu Stew & Chilled Handmade Buckwheat Noodles of Surawon Tofu House [Thoughts + Pics]

Hi @paranoidgarliclover,

Thanks for the report back; sounds like you had a good time! :slight_smile: Ah the Naengmyeon pic you posted is actually their 3rd type of Chilled Handmade Noodles! That one is a Soybean-based broth IIRC. There’s also a Spicy one and the OG Mul Naengmyeon (in a Beef / Kimchi Chilled Broth (that’s somewhat clear)). You should try that version next time, and the Black Soybean Tofu. :slight_smile:

But it sounds like the classic Yellow Organic Soybean Tofu you got was also great. Thanks.


Correct. I looked so diff from what I’ve had before that I just had to get it. :slight_smile:

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I remember when I went the waiter said they only have the black soybean tofu now, whereas in earlier menus you could choose between the black or regular.


Went tonight. Only had soon. Main takeaways:

–Liked the tofu, but I think Beverly’s overall stew is significantly better. Just a more robust soup, stronger flavors. One thing in Surawon’s favorite is you really taste the different ingredients and it doesn’t all just meld together. But the flip side of that is you don’t get that moment half way through the soon where the flavors deepen and it’s just amazing.

–Thought the banchan were excellent.