The Poke and Sushi Burrito Trend

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Kept looking at this and wondering what the ‘Dolly’ had to do with the llama…DOH!

Hand truck Camel

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Just like the the old bottle caps of Lucky Lager. I doubt anyone on this board is “mature” enough to remember those.

Oh, c’mon…that was only a few weeks ago! Still hear the Lucky Lager vendor in my head as he walks the stands of Westgate Park, yelling “Lucky, Lucky, who wants a Lucky? You want a Lucky, I want a Lucky! Lucky, Lucky!”


Goofball Fakey…try and come up with that one!

Love lucky Lagers little stubby bottles …

They did have some sort of symbolic scribe on the bottle caps…
Do they still make that beer?

Love a cheap beer in the pool and we like to flick the caps between the thumb a middle finger to see how far they go down the hill and yesterday, found a ton of Red Stripe caps…

I think Lucky is still floating around, but with so many corporate takeovers and buyouts, I’m sure it’s not the same. I know they stopped the rebuses (?) inside the bottle caps years ago. That was how we could tell if we were too drunk in college, when we couldn’t figure those things out.

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Old enough to remember, too old to have kept my rather sizable collection.

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More of a Rainier Beer guy. They also had a rebus on their bottle caps and perhaps some of the greatest all time commercials!

Beer Crossing
Mickey Rooney Hunts the wild Rainier
Mickey Rooney 2
Rainier Beer Roundup
And my Personal Favorite Tarzan

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I will respectfully disagree, mainly because I don’t think Rainier ads made it down to So Cal. When I was growing up, the Hamms Beer bear ads were probably my favorite set of TV ads that I ever saw. Every once in a while the jingle still pops into my head “From the land of sky blue waters…”

Watch the Tarzan ad and the Mickey Rooney ads


My Dad drank Hamm’s and man, I miss those classic commercials…I wasn’t around when this one aired but I remember the drum beats and the waaaaaAAAhterrs…

Love the sound of the announcer’s voice in old ads like this one. What I recall most are the ones that ended with “Hamm’s the beer refreshing! Hamm’s the beer refreshing!”. To a thumping drumbeat, of course. That’s been an earworm all day (for some reason)!

Clearly, they don’t make commercials like they used to

It’s been a long time coming. Pokirrito are having their soft opening tomorrow!

I love Hamm’s . In fact I’m drinking one right now .

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Oly Oly Ohhh!. It’s the water and a whole lot more!

I assume you’ll be one of the first to try Pokirrito. Hope to hear about your experience there!