Thoughts About Nitro Coffee?

I think it’s more to do with type of bean and roast, but what do I know. Someone posted above that it was due to overextraction. That usually causes bitterness, so nix that. Whatever the case, the search goes on.

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Yes, you are right. Overextraction can cause bitterness. Under leads to sour notes.

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Sorry mea culpa, should’ve double checked. Sometimes people call bitterness sourness when they try overextracted stuff, so my bad.

I guess basically that means these places aren’t leaving the cold brew alone for long enough?

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That, and/or a selection of ill-suited beans.

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There are a lot of reasons coffee can be sour and #1 is that is just the style. Lighter roasts are more popular and tend to have more fruit flavors/brightness as do ‘natural’ processed coffee (vs wet process). Of course it could be a mistake in how they made it, but somehow I doubt it when it’s a canned drink from a company like Stumptown.