Three nights in san francisco: eating plans, please critique

Corzetti wasn’t but from friends which I trust

a third vote for cotogna for lunch - i think thats walkable from union square during lunch hours. they have nice outdoor booths, amenable for even quite young children.

i think hl peninsula is better than koi palace, also more on the way between sf and menlo park

a couple other dinner possibilities: house of prime rib, kin khao


House of Prime Rib books up months in advance.

I ate at Tailor’s Son a few years back, same group as Corzetti, a few blocks up from State Bird

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well, i put it to the kids and their strong preference is for a pizza specialist. so am picking the only a slightly further walk away del popolo over corzetti.

i assume you are referring to the south san francisco location? that does look well-situated depending on what time we head south.

outta sight pizza

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current dinner reservations: state bird provisions, copra, del popolo.

all the other recommended places are in the back pocket for lunch, which will be played by ear on all three days.

(and allah be praised, just managed to snag four spots on a berkeley campus tour as well! i’ve been refreshing that goddamned campus tours calendar page 10x a day for nearly a month now!)

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Walking to State Bird from Union Square isn’t the best idea! It’s quite far and not the best neighborhoods that you’d be walking through.

I’m also a long-time fan of Sam’s Grill, but their bread hasn’t been from Boudin for at least a year or two – it now comes from “Jane The Bakery” (per their menu). Although similar to the Boudin loaf, it doesn’t seem quite as fresh, and is thus not as good IMO. Their fish however, is every bit as good as it was when I used to go there regularly in the nineties.

yes, i’ve been disabused of that notion. we’ll try to get our steps earlier in the day.

Do not leave anything visible except maybe used diapers in the car

Even that depends on the area - don’t believe everything you might read that anywhere in the Bay Area your car will be broken in

be serious! it’s 2024! you’re gonna leave your lap top, an expensive sweater or whatever where in SF? I love SF, lived there first in the 70s then most of the 80s and Im visiting next week…I wont leave anything visible other than a bottled water…maybe if I’m in Broken Bow, Neb…

Perhaps not your laptop but we live now three years in the Bay Area (and have visited many times before) and we had bags with stuff from shopping in the car etc and never had any break-ins etc. Perhaps you should be a bit more realistic and don’t blindly panic without reason

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:rofl: anything u say!

You’ve been lucky.

update from trip in progress.

dinner at state bird last night was both very good and a bit overpriced for what it was.

lunch at yank sing today was a mixed bag. the things we managed to eat were mostly very good. but the cart dim sum service was a bit of a disaster. very few carts came to our corner of the dining room. we gazed longingly at the things being served to people just one aisle of tables over but the staff were impervious to our attempts to get their attention to come over. and some things were not in the optimal state from having gone around the dining room a few times before coming to us.

dinner tonight at copra, however, was flat-out fabulous. probably the best indian restaurant meal i’ve had in almost 31 years in this country. forget the high-end competition in nyc and dc, our meal could have held its own with the best meals we’ve had recently in delhi and bombay as well.

(i’ll have more details on all when i write them up on my blog.)

tomorrow we might head up to napa. not sure if we’ll eat an early lunch in the city before leaving or find something there. dinner scheduled for del popolo. unsure about lunch on friday. maybe hog island, maybe another dim sum meal in hopes of doing better (city view, maybe).


brunch today at 606 on the border of chinatown and north beach before heading off to napa. dumplings, noodle soup, fried rice. it was quite good.

pizza at del popolo tonight was fine but no great shakes. but it was the perfect meal in other ways: after a long day which culminated in a few miles of walking in muir woods park, a quick meal two blocks from the hotel was just the thing.

by the way, we didn’t end up walking, uber’ing or driving to state bird provisions or copra: we took the bus both ways (the 38/r up and down geary).


our last meal in san francisco was lunch at city view on friday. a very nice room and much better dim sum than at yank sing, we thought (no carts).