Unit 120 - Detroit-style pizza

I have to say they look pretty good to me! great pics.


I’ll get even more hate mail now, but Detroit style pizza has always tasted kind of “off” to me. The liberal use of brick cheese, and the focaccia like crust (light, crisp and airy) remind me of my after school high school days baking up Mama Celeste’s finest pies.

Me too!

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I think at least 30% of my biomass came from that pizza.

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i went there one night…didnt know they were only open mondays…wanted to try Pok Pok…closed until further notice…at this point im starving and find out theres another Pok Pok up the street at Far East Plaza(i think) sat down and found nothing i wanted to try on the menu…one half assed glass noodle dish…ugh…and as noisy a restaurant as Ive ever been in…walked out so hungry and it was now 9:30pm…walked into Golden Dragon because it was right where my car was parked…the worst, most depressing experience id had in a long time…empty except one table(a couple,clearly out of towners who i heard tell the waiter they returned after a year, their last LA visit) wait staff, including a cook walking around or seated in a kinda big empty place…burned egg rolls and the beef in the chow fun did not look like beef…i felt awful till the next morning when the remains of the meal exited! i will try Unit 120 one of these days!

Detroit style has its serious fans but if its a focaccia-like crust, im gonna be quite skeptical…i dont get it…a few people whose pizza cred is high, swear by it…oh well

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Big ups to their Italian sub. I used to really like the mustard sauce they used.

I’ll wait for lapizzamaven’s report. I tend to like the pizza that he/she likes, hasn’t steered me wrong yet. :slight_smile:

Just be happy it exited.

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@lapizzamaven I agree. Either it’s focaccia or it’s pizza. I will not be tampered with.

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Cottage Inn pizza was thin and needed to be blotted or else it slipped out of your hand (cheese and toppings) - at least this was when there was only 1 CI in Ann Arbor. Now there are lots of pizza places but none that I recall comparing with any of the better ones in LA.

aint that the truth, Ruth! …i mean Ipse!

damn right, Bookwich!

cottage inn was right across the street from south quad. plus, as an RA we worked out a deal where we got credit for referring hallmates who ordered through us. hard to beat free pizza.

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