Watch LA food personalities on Tokyo TV


I watched that yesterday and really wish I understood Japanese…

Who are the personalities, other than the Prince of Pulitzer?

Josh Lurie of Food GPS on one end, Christina Xenos of WHERE LA Magazine on the other end. The other guy looks like a chef but I don’t know who, and the blonde woman looks familiar but I can’t place where I know her from.

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I guess it is not just “good to be a hipster.”
It is also good to be a chow-scribe - where was your ticket for the junket?

Haha, I don’t rate that high.

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I think that’s Amy Finley, one of the early winners of The Next Food Network Star.

Did this program seriously just say that “Jerry Warner” (of a random Hyatt Hotel in San Diego) is the “#1 Sushi Chef in America”?! :unamused: :anguished:

Clearly this show is a total gimmick. But sadly, I wonder how many people watching it in Japan now think the sushi that Jerry Warner makes (and what he says) is what is indicative of sushi in America. LOL.