Food I Ate as a Child That I'm Pretty Sure My Friends Didn't

one of my college roommates from Pittsburgh used to eat liverwurst sandwiches. He was raving about them, so I tried it one day— and not so bad. Kinda like a bland chopped liver sandwich.


When I was a kid, I liked liverwurst. I loved liver. Fried, broiled. I ate tons of chopped liver.

Now, understanding what function the liver serves, I don’t serve IT. LOL :slight_smile:


Thought this was THE SHIT when I was a kid. Ate it as an adult… not the same. Hahaha

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When I lived in Glendale, CA in the 80s I once made kasha varniskes for a Japanese family. Even though I begged them to add salt to it if they felt it was bland (which it wasn’t because I used plenty of salt AND pepper!), they insisted on putting soy sauce on it. I then had a a conniption especially after realizing that soy sauce didn’t fit the dish!

Oh dear! That is such a close to heart food and to have it rejected/altered? Hard.

That said, once when I didn’t have chicken broth on hand to cook the toasted buckwheat in, I did hot water with a bit of soy sauce - and it worked!

Maybe they were just looking for a familiar hint of umami…


If I were to use soy sauce in it, I guess I’d added it to the chicken broth or water when making the buckwheat groats like you did. But adding something liquid to the prepared dish which is dry (I don’t mean that in a negative way, just that it shouldn’t have any liquid left in it when served) seemed (and still does) wrong to me.

I live in Japan now and can sometimes find whole buckwheat groats and when I can, I make the dish. Unfortunately, they’re whole groats and don’t cook up as well as the medium ones made by Wolff’s. I can’t find egg bowties either and have to use Italian farfalle which are tougher and not as flavorful…but I make do because I love the dish so much,

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I ate a lot of rutabaga and fresh conch peas growing up. Both are fantastic.