Top Chef S14 - UMAMI BUTTER?

so who wants to take a crack at how the hell you can recreate this umami seaweed butter, and what the hell to use it on

Can’t find YT link, only an eater recap.

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I learned to make bonito butter from the Roberta’s cookbook, and found this online for you.

And this:

Compound butter can be made with literally just about anything edible. Saveur agrees with me.


Looks like I have some experimenting to do!

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So easy. And it makes your food seem fancy. :wink:

Wow I clicked that Saveur link - all of a sudden I’m not so sure Sheldon came up with it on the spot!

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Here’s a recipe for umami butter.

Fancy like little paper booties on the turkey and parsley on the plate? Cuz them’s the mark of k l a s class!

Now that was fucking funny. I don’t know who Alison Leiby is, but I love her.

That is some seriously hardcore umami. All that’s missing is soy and msg.


nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Sheldon :frowning:

Real talk: if Brooke wins, I’m done.

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I find it reasonably amusing that the final 2 are SoCal chefs.