What's easier than grilling things over charcoal?

Good tip. Here’s a pic of just one of a bunch of skewers that my late MIL had. She worked as a travel agent for 40 years so I’m guessing she picked them up when ‘on the road.’ They’re maybe 14-16" long.


That is beautiful!

Thanks. I suppose I should check them closely and see if there are any identifying marks. Not that I’d be able to ‘identify’ them :slight_smile:

Looks like one of the Muslim hordes that attacked our lands and learned how to shish kabob


She was a tried and true racist so it’s unlikely she would have gone anywhere near “the Muslim hordes.” But I’m gonna check 'em out.

The skewer ornament is of a either a Turkish or Persian soldier

Thanks, N. If it’s not TOOOOO off-topic I’m going to take pix of some of the others. I’d love your and others thoughts. But not tonight :slight_smile:

I was grilling god yesterday. So glad I tried roasting lamb stuffed eggplants over slow coals. Dad lost his mind.

pork spare ribs came out so so well like this… as did the roasted pumpkin and the little birds


What kind of eggplants do you use?

small to medium… guess they’re labeled japanese in the stores here? i dont know, we just call them eggplant and it’s the kind prevalent in middle east etc


Your grilling . Is the shit . Most definitely.

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pre-shit to be more precise

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Once more again



Rad. What’s the purple stuff in the pie tin? Creamy beets?

Seledka v shube is pickled herring with layers of various grated veggies and creamy beets on top

Oh shit. Sounds great.
ETA: Ah! “Herring under fur!” Heard of it but have yet to try it.

It’s super easy. My girl makes a great one. If you ever ready to try I’ll write it up

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How about we just invite ourselves over to your place instead? :wink: Amazing spread, @Nemroz!