Banned from Chowhound?

Is there an archive?

EGullet is kindof obscure for me so far. I joined and had my first post deleted because I used 2 photos I grabbed from a Google search for gai lan and broccoli. I did get an email explaining that I’d used materials that weren’t mine without including source material. I’ve tried to figure out 1) how to figure out the owner of a random photo that comes up in a Google search; 2) how to give any credit without taking up more space than my actual post. And then there’s the fact that I see lots of photos on EG that are pretty obviously not the poster’s and have no credit attached. Not yet sure it’s worth the trouble.

Maybe someone here can educate me. I DO understand intellectual property issues.

I don’t know if this is relatable but CH told us that we could copy ingredients but the instructions had to be paraphrased. Or share a link. I see photos generally, not food, that sometimes will have a comment about copywriting. I can’t remember if I tried EGullet or not.

A linked photo’s URL can show that it’s in the public domain or otherwise OK to use.

On this site, the terms of service state that, by posting something, you warrant that it’s not infringing on any third party’s copyright.

Does that mean we need to somehow check that and, if so, how? Thanks.

I guess, and it’s on you to figure out?

I guess that this is a case of “ask forgiveness not permission.”?

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So I decided to look up Google’s info on copyright rules. After reading this I’m torn between “ask forgiveness” and “don’t bother posting”. When I look at the ‘source’ of an image I can see a site name but usually no specific info as to whether the image has a copyright. My personal experience has been that possible trouble lies ahead if you use an image to make money (promote a business). I’m a bit lost as to why a place like eGullet would be so aggressive about it, but I think I’ll just not use ANY images there that aren’t my own.

If you follow this link, you can drill down to see that it’s Creative Commons, which means you can use it. Though if you just link to an image rather than uploading a copy there’s no copyright issue.

Weird, the link is just to the image. I don’t know why the text is showing up.

I guess none of the plans for archiving the Chowhound content panned out?

There’s only a random subset of pages in Wayback Machine and I can’t find anything else.

I can’t remember now the recipe I tried to find and then muttered “shit.”

i was banned.


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