Best Brazilian steakhouse in LA?

My daughter knows what she likes and she chose Brazilian BBQ. The salad bars are great and the meat is delicious as well. Best of both worlds. I spy huge hearts of palm on Yelp pics.


To each their own. Maybe she’ll broaden her choices one of these days.

What are you even talking about? Who the heck asked you about my 11 year-old daughter’s birthday dinner choice?


Ah, what I would have guessed. Go for it. Maybe y’all will laugh about it some day :slight_smile: Have fun.

If you don’t like rodizio, you’re not much of a carnivore, and at least in the US the "salad’ bars tend to be pretty epic.

Some places I’ve been to have a lower salad-bar-only price.

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Might not be of help, but Fogo Irvine had hearts of palm when we went in the winter.

And I love that she’s requesting Brazilian BBQ for her birthday because she loves hearts of palm and the salad bar. I hope you have a great time. Let us know what the chow pups loved the most.


Here’s feijoada, our usual Saturday lunch in Rio.

Probably eight different parts of meat, mostly pork. Nothing carved.

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Texas de Brazil also have heart of palm at their salad bar

Some internet snooping finds their website confirms hearts of palm at the Agora salad bar.


I’ve never seen a Brazilian place - in Brazil - that doesn’t serve it.

H&H was very good. On par with M Grill. The best meats were the short rib, rib eye and picahna.

They did not have hearts of palm at the salad bar. Oh well. My daughter enjoyed the meal but said M Grill was better bc they had hearts of palm.


Happy birthday to one of our favorite little chow pups! So glad she had a good time…in spite of the lack of hearts of palm.


Oh no…I feel guilty!

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No worries. We had a lovely birthday dinner. My kids learned they both love cooked pineapple. I told my daughter I’d buy her the expensive organic hearts of palms she loves but we never buy at Bristol Farms.

H&H was very full by the time we left. Lot of turnover on the meat skewers and good variety coming out of the kitchen.


am I crazy that the best Brazilian in LA is that place in the farmers market?

It’s the best value but the far inferior salad bar means Pampas Grill cannot in any way be in contention for best.

Edit: actually Fogo lunch best value.


Especially during DineLA.

I don’t think fogo is participating this year!

I mean I go for Brazilian for the meats not the salad bar… I found the meats at H&H to be extremely underwhelming

I have a birthday voucher ($25 off) at Fogo De Chao and I’m planning to go there for lunch, before 2PM.

Any recs? I want to get my money’s worth, like I did with Sake2Me Sushi at Newport.

I heard Picanha, Ancho (Rib eye), Lamb Chops, Costela (Beef Ribs) are standouts. Maybe I’ll get the Tenderloin if I can get that Medium Rare.

I can get a free dessert thanks to an e-mail, though I’m not sure I can get that to go.

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