Birthday Dinner suggestions

Hello sf ftcers,

I’m looking for some place new for a birthday dinner in two weeks. No budget and preferably not something i can find in LA. I already have a lunch reservation at in situ. Places i’ve been to and enjoyed: sbp, nopa, liholiho, la ciccia, californios, rich table, cockscomb.the progress, lazy bear, spqr, saison, benu, ppq, atelier crenn.

Thoughts on stones throw? Thanks.

I’m spending my next birthday at Acquerello. I’ve never been but it seems like a perfect classic no pretense, not trying to be popular nor trendy, don’t need to be “seen,” excellent dining spot with excellent food and wine. I’ve been wanting to check it out for some time and now I will. Chez Panisse (downstairs) is a birthday fave for me, and I had a great birthday dinner at Perbacco in the not too distant past. I sense that Acquerello isn’t something you’d find in LA, nor in many places anymore.

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Bar Tartine

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I forget to mention i’ve been to acquerello a few times and you’re right it’s great for a birthday dinner. Thanks for the suggestion.

The pictures for volta look great, thanks. have you had the cote de boeuf?

Californios? Or is that not new enough?

Maybe Lazy Bear if you really want a dining experience.

Great suggestions, but I’ve been there :slight_smile:
I should clarify i meant “new to me” places.

Oops. Sorry my bad.

Reading comprehension is not my strong suit.

Porky , Looks like you hit up some great spots . Robert has some great recs ,Happy birthday . Mine is the 19th . Have a great time in the city . :champagne::birthday: I’ll be headed to MT Shasta , my favorite place .

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Thanks @Emglow101, same to you :slight_smile: I’m the 18th. Enjoy.

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Volta, Perbacco, and Aquerello are good for grownups who know how to dine.

Happy Birthday to you.
My birthday is today and dinner will be at Izakaya Rintaro on 14th Street in the Mission.

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Thank you, Izakaya Rintaro is on my list for next time, the menu and pictures look great. Happy Birthday, enjoy.

I liked Rintaro. Festive atmosphere. I guess that’s another review of mine lost thanks to CBS putting Chowhound through the wood chipper.