Boycott Martin's Potato Rolls?

Thanks for the links Robert, I hadn’t seen these and the nymag lent some support to my ‘regulatory hurdles’ theory. Mastriano doesn’t seem like much of a gem but he also may have been a political inevitability.

I felt prompted to write something when I read the insinuation that Martin’s was doing one or more of the following:

when it seems like the company is taking pains to avoid precisely those kind of things. It is a very sizable donation however and entirely reasonable to put your dollars towards carbs that align more closely with your values.


It wasn’t just donations, Martin’s hosted events for that theocratic fascist at their factory.

As far as I’m concerned, supporting a candidate as fringe as Mastriano to the degree they’re doing so falls under “showing your whole ass in public.”

Was it Angelou? “When people tell you who they are, believe them.” Or something very close to that, anyway.

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“When people show you who they are, believe them the first time.

One of my faves.