Chicken Liver?

Me too. At home. But that Sotto dish sounds like a must.

i prefer gizzards to liver myself, but only prepared certain ways.

oddly enough, i’ve never had them deep fried, but after having those deep fried chicken knees as dim sum at grand harbor recently, i bet they’d be terrific.

Just about every part of a chicken tastes good (or better) deep fried. Especially the testicles.

i’ve never seen the feet deep fried.

Dinah’s in Glendale has fried livers and gizzard

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You may not have seen chicken feet deep fried straight up. But most likely you have eaten deep fried chicken feet numerous times, if you have eaten the typical “steamed” chicken feet at dim sum places then you have eaten deep fried chicken feet. The Best Steamed Chicken Feet Recipe | Dim Sum Central

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i did not know that deep frying was part of the prep. so i will amend my statement and say that i’ve never seen chicken served deep fried & crispy as the end result.

How about now?

I never thought I would ever think, write or say this… Those fried chicken feet look really good. But strangely, they look like hands.

are these available in the SGV? i’d try them.

It is for sure.

:smiley: I was just looking at the menu today.

When they used to be more consistent and I didn’t have to worry about my cholesterol as much, I loved getting a half and half plate of the fried livers and gizzards. Splash of hot sauce to go with it. Then finish off with fried chicken. Great late night meal before stumbling to bed.

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Raku, liver on a stick


Polka Polish Restaurant in Eagle Rock has Sauteed Chicken Livers and Onions on their menu, served with soup, salad, sides, and dessert. Super homey and old school. Delish.

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#Hatchet hall

chicken liver, onion jam, grilled bread, pickles, apple vinegar


It looks crazy… Which could be a good thing? Was it?

It was crazy good, reminded me of animal’s chicken liver toast with shallot jam but with the liver cranked up to 11.

LOL… Super!