Costco finds

If you only want 3 ounces. These were at the Yorba Linda Costco


Richmond, CA


5.99/lb santa cruz


Bought some rib eye caps at Yorba Linda for the same price per lb but it did NOT say the rib eye caps were on sale. Hmmm.

The pull date on those was Friday.

The rib eye cap in Yorba Linda was actually $21.99 per lb with 1/10 sell by date.

Red Boat, Richmond, CA


I guess it’s worth posting that they also sell this at the Alhambra Costco most of the time. Picture from 6/23/19:

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Do they have Beyond Meat?

Unfortunately, these days are not good days to find anything at Costco. This was the scene about 40 minutes after opening the doors at Sepulveda in Van Nuys.

The checkout line

Oh my God the world has completely gone crazy. I came here for dog biscuits and dog chews, there was a line around the building, a line inside all the way to the back wall I asked what people were waiting for, the guy said bottled water and paper goods. The checkout line starts at the back of the store. WTF!!!

Checkout Line

Line to get water


If only I had the ability of transporting an entire cart of goods on the subway! I would have joined the party

But after careful analysis I realized there was no way to avoid the goods from contacting the floor or any surface on the train or myself avoiding touching the metal poles / handrails etc : I gave up … :weary:

#ApocalypseNow #MaxKiasu

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Just a bit off-topic… A client of mine mentioned that he had to go to 4 diff stores to find the paper goods and water he wanted (and wasn’t trying to stockpile).

I wish people would spend more time simply covering their mouths when they cough or washing their hands thoroughly than hoarding items that probably aren’t going to vanish, even if we all fall ill. I haven’t been to a grocery store over the past wk. Need to just get some flour, and I’m a little scared about what it might be like. :frowning:


I could not believe the scene. There was a line around the building and I thought it was a line to get into Costco and then as I’m walking in I realize that the line for the water just extended out the door.

I did go to Ralphs for bottled water, because I just drink it, and some of the shelves were sparse but no biggie.

The news said Target and Walmart has some of this too.

Agree with you. Wash hands and don’t touch your face until you do.

I went to Sprouts yesterday evening after work. It may have been a bit emptier of people than usual, but not of food. I didn’t try to buy toilet paper there. I think it’s just Costco. The Costco in Alhambra near me has been out of rice and water intermittently through this week, so I’ve been told by various people.

Never buy rice at Costco. You can usually get good deals at the Asian markets for better quality stuff.

I agree. I usually buy my rice at 99 Ranch or 168. Also, 50 lbs is a lot of rice to go through. We usually take a few months to get through a 25 lb bag, which is just enough to fill my rice box.

People are still buying bottled water? Wow. Shame on them. I have this very cool thing in my house called a faucet.


Right? Seriously, they’re acting as though this is the apocalypse.


People are hoarding water, toilet paper & hand sanitizer. I am hoarding bacon. I am betting at some point I’ll be able to trade for as much toilet paper, water & hand sanitizer as I want.