Delightful Cakes and Japanese Cream Puffs - Nagomi Cake House [Thoughts + Pics]

Hi @attran99,

Ah thanks for the warning; bummer they sold out of so many items. :frowning: Did you end up going to Patisserie Chantilly then, to get some Cream Puffs? :slight_smile:

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I thought about it, but I was already traveling with pick-ups from other stops and I wanted to get home to feed our celebrant. I got some strawberry slices and lemon tarts…there’s also some FwD key lime pie. I figured that would be enough for the day.


Nagomi cake house. Finally got there before they were sold out of everything. Cheesecake, chocolate whipped cream cake and strawberry short cake. Delicious. We destroyed these desserts.