Turning a space that had been vacant for decades into a restaurant causes homelessness, right.
The point of the gentrification spear is bohemians, who make the neighborhood attractive to yuppies, who create a market for upscale businesses such as this one.
Warrior: Winner winner! This is the best restaurant north of the 5 (except Morihiro). They are doing everything right. All the dishes we tried are well conceived and well executed. Ingredients are excellent, especially the heirloom tomatoes, the sweet bay scallops, and the albacore. Interesting wine list focused on lesser known (and/or less expensive) regions. Also love their apple cider by the glass.
Peony: I really enjoyed the meal tonight. The restaurant exceeded my expectations because we haven’t had much luck visiting new restaurants this year. We got to sit in the wine bar while waiting for our seat. It was a good experience. I can’t quite identify the style of the food, but all the dishes taste interesting and original, and the flavor and texture combinations work really well. I think the chef has a good palate.
I’d say Brian Dunsmoor’s style is Southern influenced, cooked over wood coals, with seasonal ingredients. Loved his food when he was at Hatchet Hall, and I’m glad he’s got his own place now!
Looks like four half slices. They were really good, as was the butter. The butter they used is pretty expensive: https://www.achadinha.com/product-page/fresh-cultured-butter. $22 a pound whereas ordinary supermarket butter is closer to $4 a pound.
They also individually heated everyone’s slices of bread in the brick oven before serving.
My guy, enough! There are so many places on the Internet to debate politics, gentrification, homelessness, covid etc. We all have our own parochial concerns, but without even addressing this particular issue, please stop hijacking threads with whatever hobbyhorse, political stance, or provocation. I really do enjoy and learn from your food posts (and appreciate the effort and thought), but this extra stuff is tedious, unnecessary, and all too frequent.