Eater LA Essential Lists

we regularly redirect older maps to new ones so clean up the SEO. unfortunately there’s no way to access the older versions directly :confused: so maybe just screen shot? idk I don’t have a more elegant solution.

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That makes sense, I guess.

Yeah, if I screenshot the info it probably drops into the murky ether never to be seen again. Then again, the way I usually store this info is hardly any better so I certainly have no elegant solutions on my end.

I find it strange that there are zero entries for Little India in Artesia…


Yea wtf :thinking:

In Eater’s defense they do publish an Artesia-centric list.

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I like the Indian list. I think Khan Saab Desi in Fullerton should be added to the list. I think it’s the best Indian restaurant in the area.

I like the Artesia restaurants but they’re all just “pretty good” in my view so I can’t really say anyone should be added to the list. If I had to pick one I guess I’d say Udipi Palace.

What’s frustrating about Eater’s “essential” lists is that when I’m traveling I’d like a list of the best restaurants, not a rotating list of seemingly random restaurants. And here in LA, I don’t really need Eater.

When I’m traveling, I don’t want to go to only the “best” restaurants. I’m more interested in local specialties and other things I can’t get at home.

I think Eater’s selection is not random but rather a rotating subset of some number considerably larger than 38, which is a very small number for an area with as much good food as LA.