Eating meat: threat or menace?

The problem with addressing climate change at the national and corporate level is that it requires sacrifice.

What people want is simple things they can do themselves without major changes to their lifestyles: recycling, eating less meat, buying a new car, checking an “offset” box when shopping online, etc.

Us humans are great at inventing ways to do less work and achieving close to instant gratification, but pretty horrible at “sacrificing” things to save our planet and in turn, every living thing on it (including ourselves). What would it take? Summer days of 140 degree heat for politicians to create laws for corporations?

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How much will those trillions of dollars be worth if the planet becomes uninhabitable…

As Teddy Kennedy said, we’ll drive off that bridge when we come to it.


Manzke’s website says they do not accommodate vegan diets. info - manzke restaurant

We did, however, persuade them to replace the beef with a scallop, which (to the best of my knowledge) does not emit methane into the air.

I think we made the right decision to go to Manzke. The issue here is similar to whether pro-choice people should refuse to go to Texas. I respect people who hold that view, but I personally don’t believe in erecting barriers between “us” and “them.” That just makes “them” more entrenched in their views.

We are making progress — just see Eleven Madison Park and Noma. The arc of the moral universe is long, but it trends toward justice.

I am…confused.

There’s not a single dish on that menu that’s vegan, so I don’t get where the purported separation between “us” and “them” exists since you’re not eating vegan food at Manzke (or practicing veganism in your life when it inconveniences you) in any way, shape, or form.


WTF??? You are drawing a parallel between restaurant choices and reproductive choices/rights? I am absolutely floored speechless.


…I suppose there is no difference in deciding/planning if you want a child or not (or visiting a state with restrictions on reproductive freedom) and choosing between beef or scallops.


No, but deciding whether to eat caviar or not is high stakes right there :woman_facepalming:t3:


Don’t try to look for any sense - there is none, just a very uneducated person


On a favorite radio talk show yesterday, the main host asked aloud “what is the difference between a vegetarian and a vegan?”. One of the three co-hosts clapped back, “depends on how annoying you are!”
This made me giggle a bit thinking about how this particular thread went from chugging along nicely to flying off the track.


He’s just trolling. He knows what he is saying makes zero sense.


his comments remind me of the infamous trader joes reddit thread re: lentils.
where someone role played and purposely trolled the subreddit users over innocuous question on how to prepare lentils and then proceeded to insult every response… it got some press and podcast and they finally tracked the guy down and he totally admitted to making everything up and role playing.

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Checking to see if any of our skilled plastic surgery or ENT colleagues will perform an impossible rhinoplasty…


I have a feeling eating a human face is somehow vegan and also high on the Warrior Points scale.


I hadn’t heard of Perfect Day before: they’ve genetically modified yeast to produce milk protein. One product using this stuff is advertising on Facebook.

a lot of companies are pursuing related dairy ideas: New Culture is making mozarella like this Why Vegan Cheese Doesn't Melt | WIRED - YouTube