Favorites at Trader Joe's?

Totally! My first thought was furikake. I feel like most of the dispensers I see have just a fingernail sized hole on one side and it doesn’t make for even distribution at all. The perforations alone make me want to try this Crunchy Chili Onion sprinkle (and the condiment doesn’t seem half bad either!)


Bought it last night :partying_face: looking forward to trying it on pretty much everything! Lol

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Hey, thanks for that. I’ve been a big fan of their fish sauce for some years now. I’ll check this out.

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We in TJs today and picked this up because of you. Thanks.


Nikau Point Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc $7, I like it as much or more than the Sauvignon Republic, which is now $9.


Obviously meant as a Wheat Thins knockoff, but the balance is off, way too sweet and not salty or greasy enough.

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Meaning that they seem really dry? I ask b/c I never would’ve considered Wheat Thins to be particularly greasy.

Greasier / fattier than most crackers, which often have almost none.

::smacking forehand:: I was getting Wheat Thins mixed up w/ Triscuits.

A different animal altogether, but have you tried the square Nut Thins (the circular ones are very light and less satisfying)? I find those quite enjoyable. Still prob not as fatty as a Wheat Thin, though.


Triscuits are really greasy.